It is known that RB Chowdary has recently informed that director Dharani’s script Merupu haven’t been shelved and will kick-start next year after Ram Charan completes his Racha with Sampath Nandi.
Now the latest buzz is that director VV Vinayak is going to take over that project it seems. Recently Producer RB Chowdary, who is a producer of Merupe film, said that Merupu haven’t been shelved and we will start that film after completion of Rachcha. It seems that they may also have interest to start that project with some other director.
Merupu film shooting was also started and director Dharani shot a song on Ram Charan, but later due to the failure of high budget movies Chiru asked director to make the movie with low budget. Dharani was unable to make that movie with low budget, so the movie has been shelved.
Now the latest news is that after Badrinath, Ram Charan wants to work with VV Vinayak. Vinayak is supposed to direct a film with Ram Charan that is being penned by Akula Shiva. However, Ram Charan is believed to be not impressed with the story of Shiva and has denied few scripts.
Now Vinayak has decided to direct the Merupu project, which is also liked by Ram Charan. But it is not confirmed.