The veteran director Dasari Narayana Rao was always tagged as ‘Darsakaratna’ given his profile and contribution to Telugu cinema so far. However, the flip side of it was many had to put up with his self-ego and pride. And now, it appears that the big man seems to be on the receiving end.
Well, news is that someone had registered a title ‘Daridraratna’ at the film chamber and it also has a caption ‘Veedo Pedda Sani Gadu’. The cine folks put two and two together and attributed this title to Dasari. Apparently, a similar statement was reportedly given by producer Yalamanchi Ravichand addressing Dasari.
There were rumors that Dasari instigated the strike call last time which in turn affected Tollywood very much. Our cinema is still recovering from that damage. May be this title is registered by someone who faced so much loss due to that strike.
It is heard that Dasari is currently hitting the roof on hearing this. As for the cine folks, they say “Sad to see someone like Dasari getting named like this but what to do. He rubbed many on the wrong side when he was in power. Now he is paying the price for that. Not all days are same so Dasari has no choice but to suffer.”