Siddharth got introduced in Boys as a very young hero where he looked like a school boy. He is now 8 years old in films. And, the young man still looks like the same ‘Boyish’ Siddharth as he looked in Boys.
Did you see it in his last release "180", So, what is the secret of your beauty, Siddharth? The talented young man answers smilingly, “Oh, really? I don’t do anything special for my looks. In fact I spend very less time in front of my mirror and in Gym” Ok, won’t you still tell us how you maintain the looks?
“I credit it to my busy schedule and continuous work. I stay satisfied all days. I’m contented with what I’m doing and what I’m. Staying happy is all that matters. That may be my beauty secret”, the actor grins.
The actor, who is basking in the success of his 180 in both Tamil and Telugu, is currently busy with his films Oh my Friend and Winds of Change. The star has been linked with singer-actress Shruti Hassan as it is rumoured that both the stars are living-in together these days.