Prince Mahesh Babu is going to team up with director Puri Jagannadh for the film titled "The Business Man", after completion of the current film "Dookudu" shooting. The movie is a bilingual film and in Hindi version Abhiskek Bachchan will play the lead role, while in Telugu Mahesh will play the lead role. The movie is going to hit the floors on July 26th it seems.
Kajal Agarwal has been roped to play the female lead role opposite to Mahesh Babu in the film. Now the latest news is that director Puri Jagannath is planning to release the movie for Sankranthi festival. i.e. on 14th January, 2012.He is also planning to complete the movie shooting by end of the December with non-stop schedules starts from August.
R.Venkat will produce the film on RR Movie Makers banner. Music director SS Thaman will compose the music for this flick.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
puri - mahesh's "businessman" release date
12:01 AM