nani, who delivered hit films like ‘Ashta Chemma’ and ‘Ala Modalaindi’ has now joined hands with Krishna Vamsi for a new film to be produced by Ramesh Puppala under Yellow Flowers banner. This banner has earlier delivered ‘Mirapakai’ with Ravi Teja as hero. After presenting super hits like ‘Kick’, ‘Don Seenu’ and ‘Prema Kavali’, RR Movie Makers is now going to present this movie.
The new film was launched today (June 29th) at 7.16 AM at the production office. This is an action comedy in Krishna Vamsi-Nani combination. The regular shooting will begin in July and continue till October. In November the unit will complete the post production works and the film will be released in December.
Two heroines are going to be cast opposite Nani in this film. The director is going to introduce a new music director through this film. The following is Krishna Vamsi’s hit films list – Gulabi, Ninne Pelladuta, Sindooram, Antahpuram, Chandralekha, Murari, Khadgam, Sri Anjaneyam, Chakram, Danger, Rakhi, Chandamama, Sashirekha Parinayam, Mahatma, etc.
Camera for the new film is going to be handled by Prasad Murella, while the story, screenplay, dialogues and direction is by Krishna Vamsi.