young Rebel Star Prabhas’s new film titled "Rebel" shooting to resume in Hyderabad from June 27th. Recently the movie has been completed its shooting schedule in Hyderabad, in that schedule some action sequences were picturised on Prabhas, Vishal Kaushik and Akash in Hyderabad under the supervision of fight masters Ram-Lakshman. Now in new shooting schedule some comedy scenes and a song will be canned.
Anushka and Deeksha Seth are playing the female lead roles in the film. The movie is being directed by choreographer-actor-director Raghava Lawrence. The movie will be produced by J Bhagawan and J Pullarao on Sri Balaji cine media banner. S S Thaman is scoring the music for the film.
The movie makers are planning to complete the shooting schedules by end of the October and planning to release the movie in December.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Prabhas "Rebel" Shooting In Hyd
3:41 AM