Nagarjuna is playing the role of auto driver in Dhamarukam movie. This film is a socio fantasy in which Prakash Raj is playing the role of Shivudu. The fresh schedule of Damarukam is set to commence from 1st July in Sarathi Studios. Nagarjuna is done with his other film Rajanna which is complete except a song and fight. Damarukam is Nagarjuna’s highest budget film by far in his career.
Anushka is playing the female lead in the movie and she is donning the role of a lady who is born with magical powers while Prakash Raj will be seen in the role of Lord Siva. Abhimanyu Singh is playing the negative lead role in the film.
Srinivasa Reddy who has made low budget films till now has got promotion with this Dhamarukham. RR Movie Makers which is on a roll at the moment is producing this movie.
Nagarjuna is currently busy with his Rajanna on his banner Annapurna Studios that will hit the screens in September.
Monday, June 27, 2011
10:33 PM