Mega Power Star Ram Charan Tej’s next project Rachcha is progressing its shoot at brisk pace. Sampath Nandi of 'Yemaindi Ee Vela' is wielding the megaphone and Ram Charan will pair up with Tamannah in the film. The film is said to be a mass entertainer and it also has a remix song of Mega Star’s hit song "Vana Vana Velluvaye" from Gang Leader movie.
The latest news is that 'Rachcha' first teaser trailer will be launched on January 1st, 2012 on the eve of New Year.
The film has been shot in Srilanka, Bangkok, China and in Hyderabad so far. Ram Charan has undergone strict training in Miami for building a lean muscular body. The Mega Power Star will show off his eight-pack abs in Rachcha.
This film is co-produced by Paras Jain and N V Prasad under Mega Super Good Films banner and RB Chowdary is presenting it. Mani Sharma is giving tunes to this movie
The latest news is that 'Rachcha' first teaser trailer will be launched on January 1st, 2012 on the eve of New Year.
The film has been shot in Srilanka, Bangkok, China and in Hyderabad so far. Ram Charan has undergone strict training in Miami for building a lean muscular body. The Mega Power Star will show off his eight-pack abs in Rachcha.
This film is co-produced by Paras Jain and N V Prasad under Mega Super Good Films banner and RB Chowdary is presenting it. Mani Sharma is giving tunes to this movie